Author: Nova Bella
Satisfied AMWF Couples
Peak Preview
Happily, I just figured out how to age restrict the whole site, to make it a place for adults to play. Speaking of, I’m writing a new story, and hope to have it up soon, but I never know how long the stories will be until they’re done. So, here’s a peak preview of it…
Stargazing Couples
Twinkle in my eye, softness in the night, clamoring, I saw you come my way.
What It Feels Like in the Zone [insect]
This is what it feels like in The Zone, when I’m writing. I posted this on my old Reddit account, and it got a lot of attention, for whatever reason, so I’m sending it out to my curious readers and fellow writers over here, along with a Trigger Warning [insect], because it is pretty large.
I love how this one turned out. A few days back, I posted a bunch of my first attempts at making anime style images over on the old Reddit account that I’m closing out. I’ll rework those images and make a file here too. Just figuring out how to make and edit images, and make…
Happy AMWF Couples are Beautiful
This one (above) came out looking Pacific Islander and Swedish to me. This one (above) almost provokes a story out of me. You know he’s a bad boy. This soothing couple has palm trees and stars. All will be well.
Hello World!
Please enjoy, as I am gradually figuring out how to make a blog that works. There will be stories, pictures, a newsletter, and comments here. Check back soon, I only have a few bits posted so far.